-My good friend Robin asked me to write an article for her e-magazine on fitness. I wrote that and really enjoyed it. In my job searches Examiner.com came up. I thought what the heck? So I applied and listed my article for Robin as a reference. I got the writing position and have LOVED it! Not big pay, but so cool to be published!
-In March, I went to the SCW California Mania Fitness Conference & Expo. I wrote an article about the top 5 new/ish Group Ex classes, among which Bad Kitty Sassy Fitness was one. That same week, I was contacted on Facebook by Cori Ann, the creator of Bad Kitty! She wanted to thank me for highlighting her format and sent me an AWESOME care package! It had a bunch of info on Beachbody, Shakeology and Bad Kitty and a book she was published in! I also found out she was also a writer, for Patch.com. I decided right away I wanted to be involved in the Beachbody Team. I have me a lot of great people through Beachbody that I keep in touch with on Facebook.
-I started my company, NMT Fitness and set up a Facebook Page. This is how I can connect with other companies, share fitness tips, videos, etc. My articles, training. I used the Notes section for my first blog - "The Road to NPC San Jose July 9th, 2011". A lot of people found me through that.
-I hate cardio. I joke that I only do cardio if I am PAID to do it. That's why I teach cycling! I set a goal to run a 5k. I though it was something I could actually do, and in April I ran the Western Pacific 5k right by my home, and ran the whole thing through! Not only did I run it, but I got together a group of 10 people and half of them had never run a race either.

-I started training at Fit For Speed with my previous co-worker, boss and Friend Jen. I loved it there. Housed inside Club Auto Sport, we had just what we needed. And AMAZING cars to look at! I worked some great events there and got some photo ops! It was the first time I ventured out of the corporate club and trained on my own. I had been thinking about it for a long time, and honestly if it weren't for her, I don't know that I would have been brave enough. I really enjoyed it there and working with her and all the other people there.
-When my training got tough and the diet tougher, I realized I needed to get some supplements to aid my body from the break-down. After 7 years of hearing about Dave and his Advocare, I decided to become a Distributor. The product is AWESOME, a very extensive line, reputable and used by major athletes. I trust it, and I have seen a difference in how my body responds.
-I decided to do a real website, www.nmtfitness.com and became a distributor for a few other great products such as Gymboss Timers, UjENA Swimwear, PB2, TRX, TriggerPoint Performance, Body Temple and created my own products on Cafe Press.
-As I was training for the SJ comp, I was contacted by a few girls interested in competing as well. I was very hesitant, see blog entry "What was i thinking?", but when I saw how they were being trained, and the responses they were getting "It would be a neat experiment", I finally said yes. At 12wks from my show, my first girl got on stage at the NPC San Francisco. 5 weeks after that, my 2nd girl got on stage at NPC Sacramento. Trisha Wood told me once in conversation when I asked her about training others that the first year is tough, but then you kinda get the hang of it. And BOY, did I have a LOT to learn! I spoiled my girls, I gave them photo albums of all their progress pics and stats, tanks to wear day of show, painted them before the show...on call 24/7 basically. And I only charged minimal session rates. Nothing for all the programs, personal time, etc. I did a lot of research on other Competition Trainers and decided to follow them and learn from the best. One of my clients who also became a friend actually helped me with the framework.
-Cori Ann gave me some extra motivation to write for Patch. I didn't get in right away, but after her recommendation and a few follow-ups, I now write for them as well. It's more local.
-After training with Fatima at Ray's Built Tuff Gym for many months, I was being asked why I didn't train there. Ray is a IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and many of the people there are bodybuilders. Many other types of trainers as well, but it was a great environment for me to be in and be able to see my coach. The hourly rate was very good, and it was big with tons of different equipment and toys for us to use. It became one of my first hard business decisions to have to make. I am definitely still looking forward to working with Jen at FFS in multiple capacities, whether classes, bootcamps, events or whatever she would like to utilize me for!
-I had wanted to raise money for a philanthropy. St Jude had a 5k Walk and I figured that was something everyone could do. St Jude is also my sorority, Delta Delta Delta's philanthropy. My team raised $470 for Children's Cancer Research.

-At a certain point, I decided to break away from my personal Facebook account, a few months ago. I tried to move people over, and I will eventually put it back up but for very personal, real friends and pics. I set up my Coach Nic account, and again added all fitness oriented companies and people. SO MOTIVATING! Where I used to see drama and people who I didn't need, now I see nothing but positive, fit and motivating people!
I have accomplished a lot in 2011. I have worked endless hours, still at my day job, teaching and training at night, and working on client programs and articles and networking and blogging until VERY late night. I have continued to train as well. I also continue to make time for people in my life, and laugh when people say "But you're so busy" like it's MY fault we don't hang out. Nope. I make time. Let ME be the one to say I'm busy. YOU never asked. ;) But I have MUCH more planned for 2012! I have laid the ground work. Now, to make it happen!