Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What was I thinking?

Some days, it is so much harder than others. Today, I want to give up. only in theory, because I know I'm not. I have plan. But lots of things get thrown at you all at once. People's opinions or slights or remarks can affect you more than you would like. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision to train others for competition. I did not want to do a show with my clients. However, I felt it was easier if they had  a show under their belt. I also have a lot left to prove of myself. If people think they can just train someone to compete, they are seriously mistaken. Not only is training for a Figure competition(or bodybuilding of any degree) COMPLETELY different than any other sort of training, but it's completely mental. And expensive! I can't just pick up a book or do a few Google searches and train a football player. It's not my skill. But I started competing 8 years ago and after a FEW trophies and many shows under my belt, I feel I know some stuff. Its from training from Master Coaches, pros, and my own experience. Its from being on a group and answering many other figure/bikini competitors questions on nutrition and prep. Yet i hear of many trainers who say they can 'research it' or 'it would be a cool experiment to train someone for a show." unbelievable. But, the client factor comes in. Each body is completely different. I have learned that I am blessed with Awesome genetics! Oddly enough, i was kinda chubby when I was younger, and tried everything to change it, not to much avail. But some body types are MUCH harder to build muscle or strip fat off of. What works for me, does NOT work for everyone. I didn't set out trying to train competitors. I was asked. I actually tried to refer some to other, more experienced trainers. But I am gaining that experience. Some days, when the phone won't stop going off with emails, texts, phone calls about how many leaves of spinach or god forbid a missing ounce of food, a freak out, a comment from a friend, etc etc I think, 'what was i thinking??" But I think of how great they look, and how happy they are when they get on that stage, after sometimes HUGE losses of weight and that my friends, is why I do it. That is why I am ever learning, following, and training to be better. So that I can see that look, that joy even more, and learn from it each time.

1 comment:

  1. I gain alot of experience when I teach others. It forces me to practice my skill and share my knowledge with them with what I was given so freely to me. I agree every student is different and it's a journey with them too. It's hard for me to be patient with a student because I want to change them immediately. I later find that some students are a reflection of me.
