Ok, so here's my new diet. Mostly similar, just a few slight changes.
Meal #1 is the same: 1/2c Lana's Egg Whites, 1 whole egg, 1/2c Oatmeal, (I changed the fruit) 1/2 banana 4 frozen strawberries. I made a double-batch so I can use the whole banana, it has good consistency for the pancakes but wanted the strawberry flavor. It's actually a LITTLE more fruit but that's ok to me because I am working out a TON and I can burn that off in my AM workouts.
Meal #2 is my Post-workout shake. Still using my IsaLean Pro but now added in the 1 scoop(that's a half serving) of the Vitargo so that I can have a better carb:protein ration. (2:1).
Meal #3 is 4oz Salmon and 6oz Butternut Squash. I took out my fat serving(almonds/avocado) in lieu of having a fatty protein source. So I still have my carbs with the squash, and the fat and protein are in the salmon. I may change this with meal #5 depending on how my day is going.
Meal #4 I just swapped the chicken for Tilapia. 4oz Tilapia, 1/2c brown rice, 4 asparagus(they are fat), 10 almonds. (a lil les fat as the salmon had a bit more)
Meal #5 Is my IsaLean Shake with Ionix (for combatting the effects of stress). I like this meal here as I can down it in-between clients/class at night.
Meal #6 is the same. My omelet: 1c egg whites, spinach(2c or handfuls), 1/2 avocado.
If I feel like it either I need it mentally or I had a heavy workout day I will have my IsaDelight as a treat. It's a little chocolate square infused with green tea. That's not a daily thing though.
This is for my training days which are Mon - Fri. I lift 5 days a week and teach 8 classes, but don't do all the classes depending on their capacity. My plan is about 1933 calories: 51g fat, 177g protein, 187g carbs, 29g fiber. I aim to drink 1 gallon of water a day. I also added CLA with some of my meals each day.
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