Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life . . . happens

 I'm a planner by nature. A few months ago, I had it all planned out. 5 shows, ending with Nationals. Then I found out my good friend was getting married the weekend of Nationals. Meanwhile, my car broke down and needed to be fixed, and fixed. . . and fixed. I am currently driving with the Engine and the O/D Off lights on, lol. I realized as my body wasn't responding to my training, I needed a break as I had been dieting for 5 months. I also realized I needed to get my finances back in check. Competing is an EXPENSIVE hobby! Food is expensive when you are eating fresh fruits and veggies, salmon, supplements, plus hair, tanning, suits, makeup, etc etc. If you are planning your first show/season, be prepared to spend about $2k. You can definitely cut corners as I do, but you will still run about that much. I know some who spend MUCH more. I am better able to concentrate on my clients. I also had clients that wanted to train and I don't turn down work. Currently 3 of the slots I was lifting are now filled with clients. I work from approx 8am to 9 or 10pm. I commute approximately 30-60minutes each way. I am grateful for work in this unstable economy. Sometimes you never know when that paycheck will be your last.

The last blow, is my furball Tuffy having a tumor removed, finding out it is Fibrosarcoma (Cancer), discovering they did not get all of it. This is a common Cancer at the injection site of the Rabies vaccine, which is mandatory. The stories are horrendous, and  I read it as 1 in 3,000 cases have this outcome. Fibrosarcoma is locally aggressive, which means it has a tendancy to reoccur in the same spot. I then had to take her to an Oncologist. She had chest x-rays, and an obdominal ultra sound. Both areas showed clear of the Cancer. They recommended another surgery, including amputating the leg on that side. (~$4,000). They said to 'be more sure', but there really is no guarantee. I asked for the alternative surgery, not removing her leg(~$3,200). No matter how hard I tried to think it may be the 'better option', I just couldn't bear to take a perfectly good leg. The fat pad they removed(subcutaneous layer) also showed clear of cancer, so I am thinking the muscle should be safe under that as well. The Oncologist said the fascia of the muscles tends to be relatively good at blocking cancer so the surgeon would remove the top layer of the fascia. It's just a matter of getting enough skin. Well, cats definitely have extra skin, so here's hoping. Also, Radiation is recommended daily for 3 weeks, however I do not have the $7,000 that it costs. Who has this kind of money? It's not fair that there is more treatment that could be had, but I just can't afford it. What price is a life worth?

Some may think I'm "not a competitor", or what not. I'm all for "no excuses!" and all that, but I tend to overwork myself til I break. So I have had to learn to back off when I need to. The last thing I need is to stress myself out over something that is really not as important as me paying bills or saving a life.

I have had to switch my priorities temporarily. I have spent time working on my business, building it, struggling like most people to make ends meet. I have been researching what to do for my cat and I have had people message me in support and share ideas with me that I have greatly appreciated. If you are not an animal person, you won't understand. But my twins I caught as ferrel kittens, tamed and love like kids. They are just 6 and it is just unfathomable to me that I have them on a wellness plan, got all their vaccines, took care of them and one could DIE because of it. It is just not fair. She is only 6 years old. She had been glued to my side. Tomorrow is the next, more agressive(and last) surgery. I meet with the surgeon in the morning, they will operate at night. Then I must wait to get the lab results back to see if they were able to get all of it. Sit and hope. Hope I made the right decision.

I am trying a few things, such as the Cancer Diet. I am trying the Cottage Cheese/flax oil mixture, but so far she is not liking it. I have a lot of friends/family friends who are fighting caner and are swearing by it, at least feeling better. I have also ordered the Cat Cancer supplement. Both have lots of rave reviews. Who knows? I'm willing to try anything. Because of this search, it has also changed a bit of how I view my diet. I am going to be trying a few new things. More plant-based fats and new ideas. I will be sharing that with you as well. In case you are interested, or find yourself dealing with Fibrosarcoma, Cancer in either pets or people, I have included the links I have found or have been shared with me. Life is always changing. I have learned that no matter how well I plan, I must always have a backup plan, or be ready, willing and accepting to change that plan.

For more info on Fibrosarcoma in Cats:

Dr Johanna Budwig's Diet & Protocol:
(This is the link for dog & cats, but it's from the more extensive diet for people)

ES Clear by Pet Wellbeing

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