Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chocolate (Protein) Muffins

Oh ya, they're real! ;)

Again, I make a double batch, but will give you the break down of 1 serving and you can multiply as you wish.

1 whole egg
1/2c egg whites (I use Lana's Egg Whites)
1/2c oatmeal
1 banana
1 scoop Chocolate protein powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1T Cocoa powder
pinch of salt

Just like the last few, we start with the original Pancake Mix batter and modify the flavor and the shape. SO MANY possibilities! The addition of the baking powder(my clients recommendation) helped the muffins to rise. Add it all in the blender. Pour into cupcake molds. I have two kinds. The regular pan I used paper cups for the ones I wanted to give out, and the black one I have is a soft plastic non-stick one. It's Awesome, and I used nothing in it, no spray - nada!

Place in oven preheated to 350 degrees and back for 15 minutes. And there ya go! Enjoy! Again, please share if you have tried them and let me know what you think in the comments!

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